Daisy Jeffrey
Thursday, 10 February 2022

Chifley Conversations: Regional and Industry Transitions in Australia

The 2022 Chifley Conversations start with UNISA Associate Professor Dr Sally Weller and Senator Tim Ayres: Do Regional and Industry Transitions Work in Australia? And should we be thinking more about them in a post-pandemic world? Dr. Sally Weller is an economic geographer with considerable expertise in interpreting the ongoing restructuring of the Australian economy. She has more than 60 papers published in highly ranked international peer reviewed journals and has conducted numerous consultancy projects for government, union and business clients.

Further Information
Full List: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kHTxCxsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Most articles full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sally-Weller/

Some recent publications:
Irving, J, Beer, A, Weller, S & Barnes, T 2022, ‘Plant closures in Australia’s automotive industry: continuity and change’, Regional Studies,
Regional Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 5–22.
Weller, S 2021, ‘Places that matter: Australia’s crisis intervention framework and voter response’, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy
and Society., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 529–544.
Weller, S & Rainnie, A 2021, ‘Not so ‘smart’? An Australian experiment in smart specialisation’, Geographical Research, online., pp. 1–14.
Johnson, LC, Weller, S & Barnes, T 2021, ‘(Extra) Ordinary Geelong: state-led urban regeneration and economic revival’, in Ordinary Cities,
Extraordinary Geographies: People, Place and Space, Edward Elgar, US, pp. 85–107.
Weller, SA 2020, ‘Dialectics of community and government’, in Located Research: Regional Places, Transitions and Challenges, Palgrave, UK,
pp. 369–386.
Barnes, T & Weller, SA 2020, ‘Becoming precarious? Precarious work and life trajectories after retrenchment’, Critical Sociology, vol. 46, no.
4, pp. 527–541.
Weller, SA 2019, ‘Just transition? Strategic framing and the challenges facing coal dependent communities’, Environment and Planning C, vol.
37, no. 2, pp. 298–316.
Weller, S & Tierney, J 2018, ‘Evidence in the networked governance of regional decarbonisation: a critical appraisal’, Australian Journal of
Public Administration, vol. 77, pp. 280–293